Sunday, December 27, 2009

fun with cousins

hi its luca. I am in portugal with josephine and emily. Yesterday we went to the markets in largos and faro. They were selling lots of stuff and all of us bought scarves. ( they are really cheap here) and fish (yuck) then after that we went to the zoo. It was in largos but it only had monkeys and birds. We took lots of pictures and saw some really cool things. My favorite bird was the toucan. it looked so real it looked fake. The only freaky part was that i almost stepped on a dead rat! After the birds we went to see the monkeys. They didnt have cages, they were just on islands and they didnt run away. But the absaloute best part of the day was we got to feed ring tailed lemurs!!! They were really cute and they loved bannanas! One even held my hand. Thats all for now.


Anonymous said...

WoW! Luca, nice to see you reporting. Seems you and your cousins had quite a day and a nice vacation too. Is Christmas season fun over there too like it is here?

Tim and Leslie

Anonymous said...

Hi again. We,re glad you finally got together
We are still at Dave and Karens, so we read your blog.I wish I was there shopping with you.My dear granddaughters, and the BOO would be there with you,ha ha Love you Grandpa & Grandma