Thursday, October 1, 2009

Art Lesson

Today we tackled the Louvre! I had done some reading before going, Ric Steve’s Museum guide, where Ric suggested a 2 hour tour of the most famous works of arts – but it took us 4 hours! It was really hard not to get distracted along the way by the myriad of rooms filled with some of the most beautiful things. Josephine and I were like crows…attracted to shiny objects. Emily’s favorite piece was the Mona Lisa and she liked the Dutch artists , Josephine’s favorites were the painting of Empress Josephine(her name sake) and a crystal and gold dressing table, Mike liked the huge painting of Napoleon’s coronation and the apartments of Napoleon and I enjoyed Ingres – La Grande Odalisque, Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People and the Horses of Marly. We were all awed by the vibrant colours and the size of some of the paintings…ginormous!!. The building itself was incredible as well. It was the original palace of the kings of France but was made into a museum, the first one, after the French Revolution. Although the rooms were modified the ceilings still maintained their splendor from the past. Emily had a sore neck from looking up! After resting our feet and filling our stomachs by the pyramid fountains, the girls went shopping!!!! So many clothes, so little room to carry them! Mike went to McD’s to check email, I’ve never spent so much time at McD’s in my whole life, but it’s the only place to get wifi! We then went to Notre Dame Cathedral to view the rose windows. Although the cathedrals are all starting to look the same we enjoyed the simplicity of this one. Josephine said this one was her favorite so far. After a long day and lots of walking we were all ready to head home. Tomorrow Versailles!

Sorry no pics....the connection at McD's today is super slow!!



Anonymous said...

Wow, reading your blog sure brings back memories from 20 or so years ago. The Louvre would be so much better for me now as I have a lot more knowledge and quite a different perspective than I did 20 years ago. McD's knows how to get new customers if they've managed to get you to come in reguarly hahaha. I remember living on one Strawberry milkshake a day while in Paris...really small budget...longest lasting hunger quencher for the money.

Anonymous said...

I would of been tired of castles, cathedrals after the first day of the trip. How are the McD's fries. Sounds like with all the walking you guys will need some new foot wear soon. Thanks for bloging.