Monday, February 1, 2010

The City of Masks

Today in Venice we decided to go to St. Mark’s cathedral. On the way we found a stand with a bunch of masks on it. Josephine bought a nice pink one and I got a blue and white cat one with music notes and gold swirly things on it!! Yay!! When went inside St. Mark’s cathedral we were amazed. Venice is famous for its mosaics, specifically the ones that are gold leaf covered in glass. While we were here we figured out why. It was beautiful, there was gold covering the ceiling! The ceiling was covered in mosaics of different scenes from the bible… well it was mostly scenes from the bible there was a mosaic of some people stealing the body of St. Mark. Then I looked down. The amount of different types of marble on the floor was staggering! There were at least twenty-five different types! There were also beautiful mosaics on the floor. There were peacocks and gryphons and lots more that I can’t remember. Then we walked out and met a guy who was giving out free tickets to see the glass factory. We took four and went on our merry way to the island of Murano. After getting off the boat we went inside and watched a man make a cute little glass horse. It didn’t take him very long; he started out with a ball of molten glass and shaped it into a horse! Then we watched a different guy make part of a chandelier. After that we went to look at some finished products. There were soooo many!!! My favorites were the glass animals, such as: the zebras’ camels’ horses’ fish penguins’ and much more. Then we didn’t buy anything and left the island after walking around and seeing a glass Don Quixote going over a fence on his horse and Sancho’s donkey jumping over the fence leaving him behind. Then we went for a long walk bought a mask for Mom and one for Dad and found inspiration for the title of this blog on the cover of a book. We also ate some giant pieces of pizza!


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